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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

20 Weeks

So we've made it to the half way point!! It's hard to believe that in just another 20 weeks she'll be here! This last week of knowing that she is going to be a girl has been awesome. We've done a little shopping, but not too much at all. We could've done a lot worse! We've also picked out some of the bigger things that we want. I know we'll have so much fun when it's time to register.

I am getting bigger, which I know is part of the process. It's just weird to look down at my growing belly and know that McKenna is in there sleeping or moving around. It's awesome to know that she's not even here yet and I am responsible for her. I am her protection and her nutrition. Everything that she needs to grow and live is coming from me. So crazy. I'm starting to feel like a mother and I love it!!

I think I felt her move for real this time! It was around 5 this morning. It's hard to describe the feeling but there was something moving around in there!

I almost forgot about this one! Friday morning this last week, 03-26, I got up around 2 or 3 to go to the restroom for the millionth time. When I got up I started feeling nauseated and by the time I got to the bathroom I was extremely nauseated. I thought I was going to get sick while I was in there but I started to black out. I felt like the room was spinning, everything started to go dark, and I felt like I had cotton in my ears. It was hard to breathe and I was super hot. I tried to call Cody but I couldn't say his name loud enough. It lasted for maybe a minute. I made it back to bed, still lightheaded and burning up. That lasted for another minute or two then I was fine. I think it was a mixture of a few things. I was on my back, which is bad for your circulation when your pregnant. It can cause a few of those symptoms. I need to be eating a little better and more often, too. I think low blood sugar was a contributing factor. I've been fine since, so I'm not really worried about it, but it was scary at the time. I did a quick sonogram at work just to check on her and make sure she looked ok in there. She did!!!

Other than that incident I've bee feeling great. My energy is coming back and I had my first craving which was fried chicken. It was sooo good!!! Cody, being the awesome husband that he is, brought it home after work. I scarfed it up!!!

She is 10 inches head to toe which is about the size of a banana. I can't believe how fast she's growing!

Cody, Marissa, and McKenna

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

19 Weeks

This week is a HUGE week for us! We found out today that we're having a little girl!!! Her name is McKenna Ann. I am so freakin' excited I can't stand it! This means I was wrong! I always thought boy and the moms both always thought girl. So I guess grandma's intuition is a little more finely tuned that mommy's! But that's to be expected.

I'm not really sure what else to say on this blog! I'm too excited to think about anything but this precious little girl that I am carrying inside me. The morning sickness, maternity clothes, physical discomfort, etc. doesn't matter right now!!! I will update all that, however, so this blog can have some meat to it!

Morning sickness is not even an issue any more. I get sick once or twice a week but I can never remember what days it was. I'm so used to it now. I think Cody is too because he doesn't say anything anymore when he hears me.

I got this thing called BeBand from Target. It must be made in Heaven. I love this thing! I can wear my pre-maternity jeans (which I can still button up although not comfortably) and some maternity pants that are still a little big. I will cherish it forever! It wraps all the way around me and keeps my pants up.

This week McKenna is the size of an heirloom tomato. She weighs 9 ounces and is about 6 inches long.
Cody, Marissa, and McKenna

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

18 Weeks

In 2 weeks we'll be half way there! I hope the second half moves a little slower than the first half. I can officially say that it now seems to be speeding up! I am SO ready for our little one to make it's grand appearance, but now that I can enjoy pregnancy I don't want it to end so soon! I don't know if or when I'll get to do this again so I kind of want it to last. I know I've been griping that it's taking too long! I know, I know....I need to make up my mind. Good luck with that one!

In 1 week we get to find out the sex of the baby!! I am READY to know!! We tried to find out this last Friday, but baby wouldn't cooperate. It's legs were folded, it wouldn't get in a good one point it even covered itself with it's hand!!! It's either a really modest little girl or a typical little boy!! I have been wanting a girl and have had a gut feeling it's a boy but the closer I get to the day we find out, the more I don't really care! I think they would both be fun but in different ways. I just want to know at this point!! Hopefully at my apt this Tuesday 03-23 they'll be able to tell!
Morning sickness comes and goes. I am just glad that my appetite has increased! And it is increasingly increasing! I am starting to snack more and eat more at meals which are both things I need to be doing. The bump is ever-growing. I'm still pretty exhausted all the time. My energy comes and goes.

The baby is the size of a bell pepper this week! Hopefully I will be able to feel it soon. Crown to rump is 5.5 inches plus arms and legs. You'd think I could feel something by this point, but alas, nothing!

Cody, Marissa, and Baby

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

17 Weeks

There is not a whole lot to report this week. Except for the fact that this is my first ENTIRE week free of morning sickness. I haven't been nauseated since last Monday (03-01) with the exception of this morning for the briefest of moments. No getting sick though! Last Monday made me so mad!! I've been paranoid this whole time that I would get sick in my car and not be able to do anything about it! It never did happen...until THAT Monday! I had to turn around, go home, and change clothes. It wasn't my best morning ever. I think it's kind of funny that the last time I would get sick would be a doozie like that. I hope that was the last time, at least!

I said on my last blog that I'd lost 8lbs. That ended up not being correct. My scale is off from my doctors. I'd only lost a total of 2lbs since December. That's not bad. He still was not happy that I hadn't gained weight. I think he'll be very pleased with me next time! I'm not sure if I have gained anything or not, but my appetite has increased! Pretty much the day after I hit 16 weeks I started feeling hungry all the time. I don't gorge, but I definitely eat more than I have been. Still no cravings yet. Well, I crave things but I don't think they're pregnancy cravings. I don't feel like I'll chop anyone's head off if I don't get my Chic-Fil-A nuggets NOW! I'm sure they'll kick in soon. The doc did tell me to eat whatever I want. He said to eat for calories and forget everything I know about nutrition. If all I can get down is cheesecake then just eat cheesecake. Have I mentioned how much I love this doctor! The funny thing is the things I want are generally healthy. I try to get in as many calories as I can though. I never hit the 5000 a day mark which is where he wants me. That's just unrealistic for me. I can't eat that much!!!

Speaking of weight, I can only fit into one pair of work scrubs still. That means I'm pretty much completely in maternity clothes. I need to do some shopping now. I'm still very limited in that department. I'm liking Target, Old Navy, and Kid 2 Kid. They're all pretty reasonably priced and generally have a good selection.

I have found myself getting a little more emotional. It's easier to make me cry. I haven't started crying for no reason yet, but I'm sure that's not too far off in the distance. I'd had some pretty bad headaches a few weeks ago, but that seems to have subsided. They may have been caffeine related. I try not to have caffeine every day. I try for every other day or every couple days. I don't want to get addicted to it again. I love it, don't get me wrong. I'm just trying to do it in moderation.

Two more weeks until we find out boy or girl!! I'm kind of starting to hope for a boy a little more. Almost everyone that I know and know of that has had a baby in the last year or is pregnant now have all had or are having girls. I think we need some boys up in here! I also get this feeling (weird, I know) that I would like to give Cody a son. I want him to have a boy so they can play sports and do boy things. He'd so love that! On the other hand, I still want a girl. So I guess at this point I really don't care what it is. I just want to know so I can SHOP!!! I tried to get the doctor to look at my appointment on March 3rd. I was going to have him write it in an envelope so Cody and I could find out together (Cody wasn't at that appointment with me). He wouldn't even try! He said it was too early. I think he likes to torture me!

I haven't really felt "the baby move" anymore so I'm not really sure if that's what it was. I don't really feel anything that I would think could be a baby. It should be soon, though, so I'm looking forward to that!!

I'm pretty sure that's all the news for this week. The baby is about the size of a turnip!!
Cody, Marissa, and Baby

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

16 Weeks

So today makes 16 weeks. This means that we only have 3 weeks until we find out if we're having a boy or a girl! Then at that point, I'll be 19 weeks which is like half way! So, in 3 weeks I'll be half way there! Now that makes it seem like it's going by fast!!

I THINK I can feel the baby swimming around in there. It's not like a rubbing or poking, it's a fluid movement. I can only feel it when I'm still and I hold my breath...even then it's just barely. Cody's jealous! Hehe...

The morning sickness is WAY better! I still get sick on the occasion but lately it's been triggered by something...not just throwing up because I'm awake. I have lost 8lbs which I know isn't good. I'd love to say that my appetite has increased but it just hasn't. Nothing really ever sounds good so I either don't eat or I try to eat a little. When I try to eat it usually makes me sick. I'm hoping this doesn't keep up too much longer. Baby needs nutrition. I do try though...I really do.

I'm completely in maternity clothes now (if I'm not in my scrubs for work). It's still not a necessity, but more for comfort (physical and emotional). Some are still a little big, but I'm loving my jeans. They let my tummy breathe! Ooh...and dresses. I can already tell I'm going to love dresses this summer!!

So I took a 16 week picture! There is a pretty big difference.

This week the baby is the size of an avocado.
Cody, Marissa, and Baby