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Friday, July 30, 2010

37 Weeks

I talked to the doctor while I was at my appointment Wednesday...he said we can induce on the 9th!!! Sooo...that means in 9 days from today, McKenna will be here! I can't believe it's already time. This is just so nuts!

At my 36 week check up, the doc sent me down to L & D to have an NST (non-stress test) to check on her. She hadn't really moved that morning, but she was just fine! Apparently she was sleepy that day. I know how she feels! While I was there the nurse checked me...1cm and 0% effaced. Awesome. No where NEAR having a baby! Which I was 36 weeks, so I guess I shouldn't be! The doc said at my 37 week appointment that he could check me if I wanted him to, but that there honestly probably wouldn't be much to report. I declined the check, knowing that if I was still 1cm it would ruin my day. Apparently appointment days are just going to suck for me, because I left his office almost in tears at the 36 and 37 week check-ups. He said he'll see me back Monday for the 38 week appointment and we'd schedule the induction for the following Monday! I'm super excited about it! I'd LOVE for her to come on her own, as long as she does it by then. If not, I'm evicting her!

I have been having signs of progression, though, so I'm thinking about doing some walking and trying a couple other old wives' tales and seeing if I can help her come on her own. I am pretty sure what I've been feeling is contractions, but they don't hurt so I'm not entirely sure that's what it is. I have been having lower abdominal cramping and lower back pain. My entire abdomen will tighten up, then loosen up...but that doesn't hurt at all. So I'm pretty certain we're on our way to having a baby, but aren't there quite yet!

Her room is ready and my hospital bag is almost done. I just have a few more things to get from the store then we're all ready for her! Cody is getting excited, too. That's been some of the most fun in this last TERRIBLE month! He keeps me sane! Everyone says the last month is the worst, and they aren't lying! The sleepless nights, exhaustion, waddling, SWOLLEN feet, pressure on the bladder, hormones to the umpth degree...everything just hurts. I know it will all be worth it in just 9 short days...or less!!!

This week she is about the size of a swiss chard. For the next baby, I'm going to try to find a list of things to compare it to that I have actually heard of!!!
Cody, Marissa, and McKenna

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

35 and 36 Weeks

The last couple of weeks have been very hectic. We moved this weekend, so there was a lot of packing and preparation leading up to the move.

We are mostly settled in. McKenna's room is the last thing left and even that is almost done. We have to wash some clothes and things for her, put the crib together, hang up some decorations, and find places for a few other miscellaneous things. I'm feeling less stressed about it all now that progress is being made. My mom and Randy are a HUGE help in getting ready for her. I've just been so worried that we won't be ready if she comes early, but she'll be all set up and ready to go in the next couple days! She can come whenever she's ready at this point...which I hope is soon!!

She's definitely running out of room in there and is making sure I know it! Other odd things have been happening. Well, I guess they may not be so odd, but they are to me! I have been having swelling, of course, but most of my swelling is in my right foot and can be pretty painful at times. I have been having crampy feelings, and I'm not really sure what that's all about. Probably it's just McKenna running out of room! I have starting getting sick a little bit again, which brings back not so fond memories of the lovely first trimester! I had kidney surgery 14 years ago and the scar is where a c-section scar would be. I have been having sharp pains there as well, but not too often. She is definitely mashing down on my sciatic nerve on the right! That's not fun. My thumb, first finger, and middle finger of my left hand randomly go tingly and numb. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with what position I'm in, because it happens when I'm laying down or standing up or sitting down. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to it. Other than all that, I think I'm pretty good! Just really uncomfortable and ready for her to be here!

She should be somewhere in the neighborhood of 6lbs and 18.5 inches long now. The size of a crenshaw mellon (random, I know).

Cody, Marissa, and McKenna

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

34 Weeks

Only 6 more to go!!! I just can't believe how fast the last 34 weeks have gone by. I think back to Thanksgiving Day (I was already pregnant then, just didn't know it) and it doesn't seem that long ago. How is it that time can creep and fly at the same time? It makes no sense, but it definitely has. We were over at a friend's house this weekend for 4th of July. One of her other friends that was there has a 2 year old little girl. Cody commented on how long it would seem to take for McKenna to be that old, but I am pretty sure she'll be there before we know it. I'm trying my best to enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy because it's almost over. A fact that makes me so happy and sad at the same time!

We're really starting to pack up this week for the move. We did a little this weekend and have already taken a few things to my mom's house. I HATE moving! I hate all of it. Thankfully, I only have to pack this time. Still not fun, but I can't pick up and move the boxes and such. I won't complain about that one! I'm just ready to get in there and get settled in and set up so when McKenna gets here all is ready.

It seems like we still have so much to do! We need to start washing her things so they're ready, we've got the move and all that entails, we still have things we need to get...It's crunch time! I am all caught up on thank you notes! Cody's family had a shower Sunday for us and his cousin that is due about 2 weeks before me so I'll need to do more from that one. I'm excited to see what else McKenna got! I think it was very thoughtful of them to include us even though we couldn't be there. She had her own cake and everything! I'm so lucky to have Cody to take care of a lot of things for me. I can't imagine going through pregnancy with any other man by my side. He has been AMAZING!!

Well, she weighs about as much as a cantaloupe, which is about 4 3/4 lbs and she should be somewhere around 18 inches.
Cody, Marissa, and McKenna

Thursday, July 1, 2010

33 Weeks

I know, this is 2 days late, but I had an appointment yesterday. I thought I'd wait to blog until after that just in case there was some news to report. Nothing. I know she'll come when she's ready but I'm hoping she's ready here in the next few weeks. Both my mom and Cody's mom start back at school on August 16, so the more time we have with them before then, the better!

Not much has changed this last week. She is still kicking up a storm. I really don't think that my tummy has grown too much this week. We did put her bedding on her crib, even though her crib is still at our apartment which is not its permanent home. I'm just nesting and it's killing me not being able to get ready for her for another couple of weeks. Having her bedding on at least makes it seem like we're doing something to get ready for her. It made me feel a little better anyway!

I'm just ready to get moved in and settled in!! We should be in by July 17th and then she can come anytime after that. I'll be 35 weeks at that point and that's close enough some times, right? I really do want her to stay in and cook as long as she needs to to be healthy...but I want her here, too. I'm sure all mom's feel that way!

I am starting to panic about everything, though, now that we're closer to D-Day. I want her room ready, I need to pack a bag for the hospital, I am going to be giving birth to a baby soon which is freaking me out a little, and then I will be a a baby...that needs me. It's all so wonderful and just crazy at the same time!!! It has gone by so fast!!!

The shower was this weekend. It was WONDERFUL! Kelly and Kim did a great job setting it up and running it. I'm so lucky to have such awesome friends and family her to help and support me. I would imagine that there aren't a lot of people as lucky as I am.

She is about the size a pineapple. She should be a little over 4lbs and over 17 inches.
Cody, Marissa, and McKenna