Well, she's been here...for a whole week! It has been so crazy I haven't had time to do this. McKenna is laying in the bed with Daddy while he plays his game, so it seemed like a good time!
It started Monday the 9th. I had an appointment at 8:45 HOPING we could induce. We were ready! The doctor wouldn't do it that day, so we set it up for Wednesday the 11th at 5:00. I didn't want to go back to work and neither did Cody so we hung out with family for a while. We went to the mall and walked around a little bit hoping that would jump start things. It didn't seem to do anything! So we thought maybe something spicy for dinner would do the trick. It didn't really seem to have any effect either. So we tried...well...another thing that's supposed to get it going. I don't know if it was the latter, a combination of the three, or just coincidence, but contractions started around 9:30 Monday night. I wasn't sure that's what it really was but about 3 hours later, it was still happening and the pain was stronger so to the hospital we went! Cody and I took our car with all of the stuff in it and my mom and Randy followed behind.
They kept me in triage monitoring my contractions for about 5 hours before they admitted me to a room. I hadn't progressed much but I suppose they realized sending me home wasn't an option. I was in too much pain! Poor Cody, mom, and Randy! They sat up all night! I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful support system. I got the epidural somewhere between 7 and 8 and oh boy was that nice!!! They gave me a little pitocin just to keep things going. The doctor came in and broke my water around 9. So there we sat until 1:30 or so. Then it was time to push! I pushed for a little over 30 minutes and she was born at 2:08pm. She was 6lbs 7oz and 19.5in.
We got to go home the next day around 3 and have been having so much fun ever since! It's been an adjustment for everyone, though! She's supposed to eat every 3 hours so that's fun waking up that much! Other than one rough night, she's done great! She sleeps a lot, eats, dirties up diapers, and goes back to sleep. I'm sure this will change at some point, but she doesn't really cry that much. She's a super good baby! We love her so much! It's amazing to look into her eyes as she's looking back into mine. She has changed so much in the last week already. Cody says she's grown an inch, but I'm not convinced. Yesterday was our first day alone as a little family and that was fun! We went to Babies R Us to get more bottles. She slept the whole time. It's been nice having my mom here too. She's been a lot of help. I've not ever really been around babies, so I'm learning!
The first trip to the pediatrician went well. She told us we had a perfect little baby girl, which we already knew! I've lost 16 of the 27 lbs I gained while pregnant. I'm in the awkward stage between maternity and regular clothes. I'm not really enjoying that. Other than that, my recovery has gone very well. I didn't tear at all so it's been pretty easy for me physically. I get tired, but that's about it!
I know that was a long one this time, but there was a lot to catch up on!

Cody, Marissa, and McKenna
It started Monday the 9th. I had an appointment at 8:45 HOPING we could induce. We were ready! The doctor wouldn't do it that day, so we set it up for Wednesday the 11th at 5:00. I didn't want to go back to work and neither did Cody so we hung out with family for a while. We went to the mall and walked around a little bit hoping that would jump start things. It didn't seem to do anything! So we thought maybe something spicy for dinner would do the trick. It didn't really seem to have any effect either. So we tried...well...another thing that's supposed to get it going. I don't know if it was the latter, a combination of the three, or just coincidence, but contractions started around 9:30 Monday night. I wasn't sure that's what it really was but about 3 hours later, it was still happening and the pain was stronger so to the hospital we went! Cody and I took our car with all of the stuff in it and my mom and Randy followed behind.
They kept me in triage monitoring my contractions for about 5 hours before they admitted me to a room. I hadn't progressed much but I suppose they realized sending me home wasn't an option. I was in too much pain! Poor Cody, mom, and Randy! They sat up all night! I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful support system. I got the epidural somewhere between 7 and 8 and oh boy was that nice!!! They gave me a little pitocin just to keep things going. The doctor came in and broke my water around 9. So there we sat until 1:30 or so. Then it was time to push! I pushed for a little over 30 minutes and she was born at 2:08pm. She was 6lbs 7oz and 19.5in.
We got to go home the next day around 3 and have been having so much fun ever since! It's been an adjustment for everyone, though! She's supposed to eat every 3 hours so that's fun waking up that much! Other than one rough night, she's done great! She sleeps a lot, eats, dirties up diapers, and goes back to sleep. I'm sure this will change at some point, but she doesn't really cry that much. She's a super good baby! We love her so much! It's amazing to look into her eyes as she's looking back into mine. She has changed so much in the last week already. Cody says she's grown an inch, but I'm not convinced. Yesterday was our first day alone as a little family and that was fun! We went to Babies R Us to get more bottles. She slept the whole time. It's been nice having my mom here too. She's been a lot of help. I've not ever really been around babies, so I'm learning!
The first trip to the pediatrician went well. She told us we had a perfect little baby girl, which we already knew! I've lost 16 of the 27 lbs I gained while pregnant. I'm in the awkward stage between maternity and regular clothes. I'm not really enjoying that. Other than that, my recovery has gone very well. I didn't tear at all so it's been pretty easy for me physically. I get tired, but that's about it!
Cody seems to want to go somewhere every day and I am content to stay home, so that's a little frustrating. I love having him here and love the help that he is, but I'm looking forward to being by myself too. I just want to stay home with my baby and he gets cabin fever when he's been home for like 5 minutes. This is particularly frustrating today, but oh well. He promised we could stay home tomorrow. I'm just happy she's here!
I know that was a long one this time, but there was a lot to catch up on!

Cody, Marissa, and McKenna
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