Only 6 more to go!!! I just can't believe how fast the last 34 weeks have gone by. I think back to Thanksgiving Day (I was already pregnant then, just didn't know it) and it doesn't seem that long ago. How is it that time can creep and fly at the same time? It makes no sense, but it definitely has. We were over at a friend's house this weekend for 4th of July. One of her other friends that was there has a 2 year old little girl. Cody commented on how long it would seem to take for McKenna to be that old, but I am pretty sure she'll be there before we know it. I'm trying my best to enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy because it's almost over. A fact that makes me so happy and sad at the same time!
We're really starting to pack up this week for the move. We did a little this weekend and have already taken a few things to my mom's house. I HATE moving! I hate all of it. Thankfully, I only have to pack this time. Still not fun, but I can't pick up and move the boxes and such. I won't complain about that one! I'm just ready to get in there and get settled in and set up so when McKenna gets here all is ready.
It seems like we still have so much to do! We need to start washing her things so they're ready, we've got the move and all that entails, we still have things we need to get...It's crunch time! I am all caught up on thank you notes! Cody's family had a shower Sunday for us and his cousin that is due about 2 weeks before me so I'll need to do more from that one. I'm excited to see what else McKenna got! I think it was very thoughtful of them to include us even though we couldn't be there. She had her own cake and everything! I'm so lucky to have Cody to take care of a lot of things for me. I can't imagine going through pregnancy with any other man by my side. He has been AMAZING!!
Well, she weighs about as much as a cantaloupe, which is about 4 3/4 lbs and she should be somewhere around 18 inches.

Cody, Marissa, and McKenna
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