Only 16 weeks to go now! Only 3 more weeks left in the second trimester. Holy Cow!! We registered at Babies R Us this weekend, which was fun and overwhelming at the same time. We still need to go back over it. I'm sure there's stuff there that shouldn't be and stuff that we missed that needs to be added on. They gave us a checklist and we completely forgot about it!!! Oh well...I'm sure we'll get it figured out here soon!! It was nice to finally pick the bedding and decorations for her room! That was my favorite part!
We've been hanging out with some friends lately that just had a baby. It scares me how uncomfortable I am around babies!! I'm freaking having one and I freak out when they cry. I hope it'll be different when it's my own. Surely it has to be! I figure I'll get the hang of things in my 6 weeks of maternity leave I'll have. Cody will be there for two of them, I think. Then I'll have her all alone for 4 weeks. THAT should be interesting! I am hoping as well that I at least somewhat get the hang of it before he goes back to work! I'm sure I will. Everyone says it comes naturally! I'll let ya know if that's REALLY true!!! lol
She is REALLY kicking hard these days and it's getting higher and higher on my stomach. You can really feel her if you push down. Now you can barely feel her when you just lay your hand where she's kicking. Pretty soon it will be visible. I'm looking forward to that!
The kidney stone situation seems to have resolved itself. Who knows. The doctor told me he still thinks that it's a kidney stone and I still think it's not. He also said that sometimes things just hurt on a pregnant woman that won't hurt anymore when you're not pregnant. That there is no rhyme or reason to it. I can handle that. It hurts a little but not bad at all. I can "suffer" through it until she's here and I can do something about it, whatever it is, if it still hurts when I'm not pregnant anymore.
Hormones are starting to rear their ugly heads too! I personally don't think it's too bad, but others may disagree. I just get mad so fast! But I also think I get over it fairly quickly too. Who really knows!!!
It's getting hard for me to get into and out of certain positions and I'm not anywhere near as big as I'm going to get. Oh boy! These next couple months should be fuuuun!

I also had my glucose test yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The "juice" was fruit punch flavored and I didn't mind it at all! It was a tad sugary, but not syrupy so it was easy to get down. I'm not sure how long it takes the results to come back, so hopefully I passed!!! I have my next sono and and office with the doctor at 28 weeks.
She's getting so big! She's about the length of an ear of corn, almost a foot long!

Cody, Marissa, and McKenna
These photos are so fun to go back and look at! It makes me miss it!