In 2 weeks we'll be half way there! I hope the second half moves a little slower than the first half. I can officially say that it now seems to be speeding up! I am SO ready for our little one to make it's grand appearance, but now that I can enjoy pregnancy I don't want it to end so soon! I don't know if or when I'll get to do this again so I kind of want it to last. I know I've been griping that it's taking too long! I know, I know....I need to make up my mind. Good luck with that one!
In 1 week we get to find out the sex of the baby!! I am READY to know!! We tried to find out this last Friday, but baby wouldn't cooperate. It's legs were folded, it wouldn't get in a good one point it even covered itself with it's hand!!! It's either a really modest little girl or a typical little boy!! I have been wanting a girl and have had a gut feeling it's a boy but the closer I get to the day we find out, the more I don't really care! I think they would both be fun but in different ways. I just want to know at this point!! Hopefully at my apt this Tuesday 03-23 they'll be able to tell!

Morning sickness comes and goes. I am just glad that my appetite has increased! And it is increasingly increasing! I am starting to snack more and eat more at meals which are both things I need to be doing. The bump is ever-growing. I'm still pretty exhausted all the time. My energy comes and goes.
The baby is the size of a bell pepper this week! Hopefully I will be able to feel it soon. Crown to rump is 5.5 inches plus arms and legs. You'd think I could feel something by this point, but alas, nothing!

Cody, Marissa, and Baby
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