I can't believe it has already been one whole month! It's amazing how much she's grown.
At 3 weeks, 6 days she rolled over! She did it completely unassisted. She hasn't done it again but Cody has been working with her. She takes 4 oz every 3-5 hours now. We are about to have to buy new, bigger bottles! She sleeps about 4 hours at a time on average. She is so spoiled! It's completely my fault! Once she finally got here and I could hold her, I didn't want to put her down. Now she doesn't want to be put down, but we're working on that too!
We got her Halloween costume today! She's going to be a flower. Hopefully it'll fit right by then. It's hard to shop that far into the future because you never know how they'll grow. She's still in her newborn clothes. She's outgrowing some of them and some are still too big. I'm afraid she won't get to wear some things because she may not fit into them before the weather changes!
It really has been awesome living with my parents during this time! Grandma takes her on Saturday and Sunday mornings for a couple hours so Cody and I can get some sleep. That makes all the difference in the world!
I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune when it's time, but part of me is ready to go back to work! This next week is my last week off with her. It's just been the same thing every day! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE spending that much time with her! If I were to stay home with her, we'd have to join a play group or get out and do something! That's kind of hard when they're this young, so we'd have to wait until she was a little older. All that having been said, I would rather stay home with my baby. Alas, I do not have a choice right now. Maybe one day it will work out.
That's about it for now. Time to go pick her up so she'll quit whining!!! (She really is a good baby, she just hasn't felt good the last couple days!)
Cody, Marissa, and McKenna