I feel like I have been pregnant forever and still have forever to go!!
We did our pics this weekend! I should be getting them back sometime this week and I am super excited! Cody wanted to stay at the park after we were done to take a few with our camera (that we're still trying to figure out). I think he did a pretty good job! It was HOT out there but my face didn't seem to turn red until towards the end of Cody's pictures he was taking, so hopefully it wasn't at all red in the "real" ones.

The shower is this weekend so I'm looking forward to that too! It's all becoming so real! In 8 weeks we'll be parents. We'll have little McKenna here to take care of. It's just so crazy. My crazy husband is already talking about when he wants to start trying for #2 but I think (and hope) that he's just joking. I definitely want more children, don't get me wrong. I just want to get the first one born and a little older before we have another one! We're thinking we want them to be 18-24 months apart. That seems good, but we'll see!!
We decided not to do a 3D ultrasound. I have no idea what we're going to have to get for her on our own so we need to save as much as possible! I do want one, but I can't really justify spending the money on it.
She should be about 3.75 pounds (the weight of a jicama, whatever that is) and 16.7 inches long.

Love Cody, Marissa, and McKenna