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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

28 Weeks

Yesterday was the start of the third trimester! I can't believe she'll be here in 12 weeks-ish. We have sooo much to do still!

I had a sono yesterday. Everything looked good. She is 2 lbs 13 oz. I am right on for my due date, but hoping for her to be here early. Not too early, of course. She was head down, but bent in half. Her feet were wrapped around the front of her head. It was too funny. She didn't look comfortable at all, but if she wasn't she'd move!!

I've been getting e-mails together for the shower invites and I'm almost done. I know I'm going to miss some people and really hope they don't get offended. I'm trying! It's very overwhelming trying to get so many e-mail addresses! I don't know enough people here to do more than one shower, so there will be quite a mix of people there! I'm getting really excited for it! It's going to be June 26 which is right around the corner. That means we need to finish registering! Yikes! I think we're done with Babies R Us so we just have target left. We need to stock up on formula and more diapers and more wipes....See? Not ready yet! At all!

This week she is about the size of a chinese cabbage....whatever that is.
Love Cody, Marissa, and McKenna

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

27 Weeks

Time to say goodbye to my second trimester...and my energy...and soon my sanity!'s that bad! Cody is being great throughout all of this still. Especially with my hormones now raging out of control.

It seems like with each passing day I grow larger and larger...and she is getting stronger and stronger! She really likes to kick mommy! That's ok, though. That part I don't mind! I LOVE feeling her moving around in there!

We got a DSLR camera this weekend so we can take fabulous pictures of the little princess when she gets here! I am really excited about that! I'd hate to have to rely on someone else to take her pictures. Cody is actually really good at it! I need more practice!

This week she is the size of a cauliflower, which is about 2 pounds apparently. She's also about 14.5 inches long.

Cody, Marissa, and McKenna

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

26 Weeks

There isn't much to report this week. I'm getting increasingly more tired and emotional. I'm not digging this hormone thing. I'm ready for that part to be OVER! But it's all part of it, so I must deal!

Random people are starting to ask me when I'm due and what I'm having. I guess I am at that point where there is no question if I'm pregnant or not.

I have actually been sick this week which is no fun since I can't take anything. I'm not sure if it's a cold or allergies or what! It's not unbearable so that is something to be thankful for. I know a girl that was so sick in her first trimester that she would throw up because she coughed so much. At least I'm not that sick.

I'm getting worried that I/we aren't going to be ready. Everyone says that it all comes naturally and not to worry about it but I can't help but worry about it. This is a big deal, ya know? This is a life that I/we chose to bring into this world. I just don't want to screw it up! lol

McKenna should about 1 2/3 lbs and 13.5 inches. About the size of some English cucumber apparently!!
Cody, Marissa, and McKenna

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

25 Weeks

Well, apparently the pregnancy hormones kick in around 25 weeks! I'm starting to feel them surging through my body. I get mad fast and cry easily! I'm used to being a little more even tempered so this is different!

McKenna just keeps kicking away! She can be felt easily from the outside now. She also isn't chilling on my right side anymore. She's more in the middle. That seems to have been at least part of the pain problem I was having. I still hurt a little bit, but not bad at all and not every day. I'm thankful for that! I am tired all the time! I can't wake up. I am also moving slower in the mornings. Must be from my GINORMOUS belly! The sad thing is it's going to get bigger and bigger! I'm not used to this either! I am ready for her to come on just as soon as she can do it and be healthy. I don't care what anyone says, if he'll induce me early I'm doing it! If you think babies should be let to wait until they're ready to come, then do that with yours. You're not having this baby. I am. And like I said, if he'll let me I am doing it!

I had a sono yesterday right at 25 weeks. It's crazy how big she's getting!
According to the internet she weighs about 1.5lbs and is 13.5 inches long! She's about the size of an eggplant. The website I usually use said she weighed as much as a rutabaga, but that is one hideous veggie. An eggplant is much better! I can't believe she's that big, though!
Cody, Marissa, and McKenna