Again this week, I am a day late. The sonogram visit was yesterday. It was awesome! I love seeing my sweet little baby. We also got to hear the heartbeat. We did find out for sure that there's only one. Which is actually better. We would have be excited to have two but one will be so much easier! Everything looked great. I'm right on track for 7 weeks. The heartbeat was on the fast side so everyone is thinking boy now. I have a feeling it will be a boy. I've actually thought that for about a week. I would be excited either way for sure, but I'm still hoping for a girl!
No belly pic this week again. Still holding off on that since there isn't much to see at this point. Cody thinks he can tell a difference. I'm not sure if that should offend me or not. I shouldn't be showing at all at 7 weeks and if I am it's not's just me gaining weight!!! Oh well. I'm not worried about it because I can't tell a difference. If anything I feel thinner.
Slight morning sickness has set in. No...umm...outward expressions of it. Just some nausea. It goes away right around lunch time. Convenient, I know. Even so, food doesn't really sound/taste good right now. Cold food does. I am loving fruit and pickles right now. Anything juicy. I've been really thirsty, too. I did eat an earlier breakfast and drank some juice this morning. I didn't feel nauseated for very long so maybe that's the key. Eat often and start early! I'll try it and see if it works. Either way, if this is as bad as it gets I'm lucky!
So this week, my little baby is the size of a blueberry.

OH YEAH!!! Here's the sono too!!! You thought I forgot!!!

Cody, Marissa, & Baby